Filcro Media Staffing Private Search

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Please click on the appropriate link below to achieve your objective.

1.    The job I tried to access brought me to this page
       Please see if the job is listed at
       If you cannot get access on page9 then it is a private search (See #2)

2.    Why is a search private?
       a.    Many job descriptions could give proprietary information to a client's competitors
       b.    The position is currently occupied
       c.    Companies wish to keep their recruitment efforts confidential
       d.    The work is sensitive in nature

3.    How can I get more information on "Blue Book" searches?
       Please visit our FAQ page

4.    I have a User Name and Password where can I sign in?
       This link will take you to the sign in page.  Unauthorized entry will exit your browser.

5.    The search I'm looking for is not in the private sector
       Please visit our FAQ page or HAIR

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